Since 1958, following the pioneering work of L. M. Kachanov, the theory of damage mechanics has in particular made significant progress and established itself capable of solving a wide range of engineering problems. To date, the damage mechanics is a clearly identified scientific discipline focused on studying the effect of various nano, micro and macro defects on the behaviour of materials, bridging the gap between the well-established fields of continuum inelastic deformations and the classical fracture mechanics with growing macroscopic cracks. The main objective of the conferences series entitled the n-th International Conference on Damage Mechanics (ICDMn) is to bring together leading educators, researchers, scientists, engineers and other practitioners discussing and exchanging ideas on recent advances in the field of damage mechanics. On the foundation of the International Journal of Damage Mechanics (IJDM), this conference series, held every three years, aims to become the premier international forum on damage mechanics research dissemination.


ICDM1 and ICDM2 took place in Belgrade, Serbia (June 25-27th, 2012) and Troyes, France (July 8-11th, 2015). Both of them attracted many researchers and engineers from nearly 50 countries.


The Third International Conference on Damage Mechanics (ICDM3) will be held at Tongji University, Shanghai, China during July 4-6th, 2018. This event will be a forum to present the newest findings and to depict the future development in damage and failure mechanics.


Enjoy the magic city of Shanghai -- “Pearl of China” !

Chinese Version

Important Notice
Key Dates
  • Dates final acceptance of the full paper
    10 July, 2018
  • Dates final program
    4 July, 2018
  • Deadline for full paper (6 pages) submission
    1 July, 2018
  • Deadline for the early bird registration
    20 May, 2018
  • Dates for notification of abstract acceptance(Extended)
    30 November, 2017
  • Deadline for short abstract submission(Extended)
    15 November, 2017
  • The first call for abstracts
    1 March, 2017

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